differentiating between feeling lazy and respecting your body's need for rest
journaling prompts for managing emotions
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journaling prompts for self-discovery
MindGilly Smithjournal, journaling, journal prompt, gratitude journaling, journal prompts, journaling prompts, self-discovery, self discover, my body, productivity, productive
the benefits of grounding
MindGilly Smithgrounding, ground, grounded, electrons, electron, earth, earthing, wild child, benefits, benefits of grounding, barefeet, bare feet, barefoot, bare foot, forest bath, forestbathing, forestbath, forest bathing
why do we practice grounding?
MindGilly Smithground, grounded, grounding, being grounded, earth, earthing, earthing effect, sand, soil, dirt, water, ocean, free electrons, electrons, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, health, mind, mental health, improve mental health
journal prompt :: personal mid-year review
MindGilly Smithjournal prompt, journal, journaling, gratitude, gratitude journaling, vision, visionboarding, vision boarding, manifesting, manifestation, manifest, visualization, visualize
the correlation between loneliness + illness
MindGilly Smithhealth, healthy, healthy lifestyle, healthy living, loneliness, illness, relationships, connected, connection, strong relationships, lonely, mental health, improve mental health, physical health
a quick "how to" guide to manifesting
5 ways to bring mindfulness practices into your every day life
MindGilly Smithmind, MIND, mindset, Lioness Mindset, mindfulness, breath, breathwork, breathing, journal, journaling, breathing exercises, box breathing, walk, walking, gratitude, gratitude journaling, mindful, mindful eating, reduce stress, improve mental health, mental health, health
journal prompt topic :: connection
journal prompt topic :: luck
let's talk about love :: journal prompt
Vision Boarding 101
MindGilly Smithmind, MIND, mindset, Lioness Mindset, intentions, goals, aspirations, visionboarding, vision boarding, visualization
4 tips for a better night's rest
Mind, LifestyleGilly Smithsleep, better sleep, rest, mind, mindset, Lioness Mindset, MIND, hatch, hatch restore, read, kindle, bed, meditation, sleep meditation
tips for when you're feeling...
understanding the different phases of your menstrual cycle
tips to help you feel more motivated
Mind, LifestyleGilly SmithLioness Mindset, MIND, goals, goal setting, goal, motivation, motivate, habit, habits
MINDfulness — FLOW
Labor of Love -- Building the Sauna + The First Hot/Cold Experience
the benefits of Hot // Cold Training