rainbow thai cabbage salad

if you like our Thai peanut sauce, you’re going to LOVE this salad. it’s so easy and has our Thai peanut dressing drizzled all over it. enough said.


  • 1 purple cabbage : sliced/chopped

    • blue and purple foods are the most rare in nature. blue/purple foods promote memory + brain function. purple cabbage is specifically nutrient-rich and is linked to reduced inflammation, a healthier heart, stronger bones, and improved gut function.

  • 3 large carrots : grated

    • orange foods aid in our reproductive health and promote healthy hormones. carrots contain antioxidants and Vitamin A, which is crucial for eye health.

  • 6-8 mini peppers : sliced

    • mini bell peppers are high in Vitamin C and due to their naturally low-sodium content, they may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

  • 3 green onions : chopped

    • green onions are good source of Vitamin K, which helps build and maintain strong bones. other benefits of green onions include: reduced inflammation, boosts immunity, and they act as a natural remedy to prevent stomach + gut complications due to their anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

  • 1 c. edamame

    • edamame is a high fiber food that is also a great source of plant-based protein. it’s high in vitamin c, calcium, iron + folates.

  • 1 c. uncooked pearled couscous

    • great source of fiber, which will help you feel fuller longer and stabilize blood sugar levels.

  • 1/3 c. cilantro : chopped

    • cilantro is said to promote brain health, reduce anxiety, lower blood sugar.

  • 2 tbsp ginger : grated

    • ginger is a great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. this means that ingesting it helps to keep your mouth healthy, and can help to soothe sore muscles.

  • 1/4 c. sesame seeds

    • excellent source of manganese and calcium—both help bones to grow healthy and strong.

  • 1/4 c. sesame oil

    • high in antioxidants, contains Vitamin E, phytosterols, lignins, sesame, and sesaminol—all compounds which help to fight free radicals in your body, which may aid in reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases.

  • salt : to taste

    • sodium! balances the body’s pH, regulates blood sugar, and increases hydration.

  • 1/2 - 1 c. Thai peanut dressing (dependent on preference)


back and better than ever with another super simple + super tasty recipe!

start by boiling your water for the couscous. while you’re waiting, chop up + grate your veggies. once the water is boiling, add in your couscous and cook as recommended on the packaging.

finish chopping up + grating your veggies and add everything into a large bowl—including your sesame seeds + sesame oil. mix it all together.

once your couscous is ready, let it cool down to room temp and add it into the bowl as well.

mix all of your ingredients together. sprinkle with salt, and here you can add your Thai peanut dressing on top if you wish and mix one last time.

now it’s all ready for you to enjoy!

share your creations with us! @lioness_academy and @femmeroyalemovement on Instagram! we love to see you make our recipes and what modifications you might make!