the lion's gate portal is open ๐Ÿ”ฎ

the lionโ€™s gate portal is OPEN and it will be at its peak on 8/8. but what does that even mean? how does that effect you? how can you make the most of it? weโ€™re here to give you all the nitty gritty details.

ok, for background context :: the Lion's Gate Portal is a term used in the spiritual and metaphysical community to describe a cosmic event that occurs every year on August 8th (8/8). it is believed to be a time of increased cosmic energy, spiritual alignment, and an opportunity for profound transformation. the term "Lion's Gate" is associated with the astrological alignment of the star Sirius, the Sun, and the Earth, which is said to open a "gateway" to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening.

what it means

  • astrological significance: the Lion's Gate Portal occurs when the Sun is in the sign of Leo (hence the name "Lion's Gate") and aligns with the star Sirius, which is considered a powerful spiritual sun. this alignment creates an energetic gateway that is believed to enhance spiritual growth and self-awareness.

  • numerology: the date 8/8 is significant in numerology, as the number 8 is associated with abundance, power, and infinite possibilities. the repetition of this number is thought to amplify its energy, making it a potent time for manifesting intentions and desires.

  • energetic shift: during the Lion's Gate Portal, many believe that there is a surge of high-frequency energy that can help individuals align with their higher selves, release old patterns, and step into their true potential.

what you can do

  • set intentions: the Lion's Gate is an ideal time to set clear and powerful intentions for what you want to manifest in your life. write down your goals and desires, focusing on areas such as personal growth, career, relationships, or spiritual development.

  • meditation and visualization: engage in meditation and visualization practices to connect with the higher energies available during this time. visualize your intentions coming to fruition and align yourself with the feelings of joy, abundance, and fulfillment.

  • journaling: reflect on your life and the changes you wish to see. journaling during the Lion's Gate can help you gain clarity and insight into your true desires and how to achieve them.

  • energy work: practices such as Reiki, crystal healing, or chakra balancing can be particularly effective during this time. these modalities can help you harness and integrate the heightened energy available.

how it benefits you

  • spiritual growth: use this time to deepen your spiritual practice. engage in activities that help you connect with your higher self, such as meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature.

  • manifestation: the heightened energy of the Lion's Gate can help you manifest your desires more quickly. focus on what you want to create in your life, and take steps to bring those desires into reality.

  • release and renew: the Lion's Gate is also a powerful time for releasing old patterns, beliefs, or behaviors that no longer serve you. let go of what is holding you back and embrace new opportunities for growth and transformation.

  • empowerment: the energy of the Lion's Gate is often associated with personal power and confidence. use this time to step into your power, take bold actions, and trust in your ability to create the life you desire.

in essence, the Lion's Gate Portal is a time for spiritual alignment, empowerment, and transformation. by consciously engaging with the energy of this event, you can amplify your intentions, release what no longer serves you, and step into a higher version of yourself. happy manifesting, lioness ๐Ÿ’ซ