healthy "orange chicken" recipe

this isn’t your typical orange chicken, but trust us, it’s better. and better for you! it has so much flavor and cooking the chicken in the juice of the orange makes it sooo juicy.



  • 2 4oz. chicken breasts

    • excellent source of lean protein. also a good source of vitamins B and D, calcium, iron, and zinc.


  • 1/4 c. coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp sesame oil

    • high in antioxidants, contains Vitamin E, phytosterols, lignins, sesame, and sesaminol—all compounds which help to fight free radicals in your body, which may aid in reducing your risk of developing chronic diseases.


  • 2 oranges : juiced


  • 3 cloves garlic : pressed or grated

  • 1-2 tbsp ginger : grated

    • ginger is a great antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. this means that ingesting it helps to keep your mouth healthy, and can help to soothe sore muscles.


you’ll start by cubing your chicken into 1 inch thick pieces. once that’s done, set your cubed chicken aside.

get out your pan and put it over medium heat. add the coconut oil to the pan. let the pan heat up covered with a lid.

press the garlic into the pan. let the garlic roast in the oil until fragrant. stir and grate in the ginger.

stir and let cook in the oil for ~3 minutes.

add your cubed chicken to the pan.

drizzle sesame oil over the top of the chicken. let sit uncovered.

cut your oranges and add the juice into the pan with the chicken.

cook covered until chicken is all cooked all the way through.

once your chicken is all cooked through (15-20min), remove from heat and let sit for 5min.

after the 5min are up, your chicken is ready to be served! we recommend serving it up over some homemade fried rice and topping it off with some fresh cut green onion.

share your creations with us! @lioness_academy and @femmeroyalemovement on Instagram! we love to see you make our recipes and what modifications you might make!