work during each phase

since the beginning of time, we as women have been conditioned to adjust to a man's world/workplace—but not anymore. if each of us were to stand up for ourselves, listen to our bodies and state to our managers/bosses/higher-ups when we need a day (or two or three!) of rest each month, we can create that domino effect to support women for generations to come. and that’s the goal! below is an insight of how to be as efficient as possible in your work.

“Women are seeking to shift the imbalances created by the patriarchy, we must stop modeling our lives on a masculine biochemical 24-hour schedule. It’s time to work based on a female paradigm of productivity, success and fulfillment.”

—Alissa Vitti

  • follicular: start new projects, project management, human collaboration, lectures/presentations

    • here you have the most access to creative energy that you will the entire month. hormones are at a low point and your body is starting to increase estrogen in particular. you are open and ready to try new things. this is a good time to start new projects at work. plan the month ahead do some project management. break out the excel document and plan. brainstorm with people in meetings. dream big. mastermind how you will take over the world.

  • ovulatory: great communicator—have important conversations

    • communication and collaboration skills are at the highest all month. the brain chemistry you have during this phase heightens your verbal skills. this is a great time to have important conversations. maybe ask for that raise, plan to negotiate deals, work with your vendors.  since you will be the most irresistible try to plan ahead of schedule. you are a magnet.

  • luteal: focus & power—work on the details

    • the power phase for getting things done.  you are most task oriented and feel the most pleasure at completing projects during this. It’s easy to focus and pay attention to minute details. wrap up projects, bring things to completion, do administrative type tasks, your accounting, submit your monthly reports, your expense reports.

  • menstrual: internally reflect, inward, journal, computer work, REST

    • course correct, evaluate, listen to that gut feeling. your right and left brain hemisphere are communicating much more powerfully across the corpus callosum. You are able to access the analytical and intuitive reasoning. reflect on the past month. how was your performance? how are you getting along with your colleagues? are you working on the projects you care about? Is your job going in the direction you want it to? how are you thinking and feeling about your business as a whole? what are the big changes you need to make to stay happy and successful in your job and career?

    • cut back on work tasks if possible — give yourself time to rejuvenate.

    • get lots of sleep and rest.

    • reduce social commitments.

    • cut yourself some slack if you need/want to work at a slower pace.

“Once we give up searching for approval we often find it easier to earn respect.”

Gloria Steinem