Upper Body Push Workout

Use this workout the next time you’re heading to the gym! All you’ll need are some dumbbells in varying weights! This workout is even more beneficial if you use the tactic of progressive overload. That means you’ll do this exercise each week, increasing either the number or reps you do or the weight you use. For example—week one: 3 sets of 10 reps at 15lbs, week two: 4 sets of 10 reps at 15lbs, week three: 3 sets of 10 reps at 20lbs, week four: 4 sets of 10 reps at 20lbs — let us know how it goes for you!


  • Shoulder openers

  • Band stretches

  • Pushups

The Workout

DB Bench Press

3x8-10 heavy set

1x12-15 drop set (25% less weight)

Lateral Raises

2x8-10 heavy set

2x12-15 drop set (25% less weight)

DB Shoulder Press

3x8-10 heavy set

1x12-15 drop set (25% less weight)

Tricep Extensions

2x8-10 heavy set

2x12-15 drop set (25% less weight)