24 minute full body pull AMRAP

This is a great workout that’s perfect for when you only have 30 minutes to get your movement in. All you’ll need is a set of heavy and medium dumbbells.


  • Hip openers—lateral stretches, open and close the gates

  • Toy soldiers

  • 2 sets of each movement for 30 seconds 

    • Jumping jacks

    • High knees

    • Butt kicks

2x12 minute circuits 

Circuit 1: complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes

  • SA dumbbell row : 10 each side

  • DB RDLs : 10 reps

  • Weighted dead bugs: 10 each leg

Circuit 2: complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes

  • DB curl to zottman curl : 10 reps

  • Renegade rows: 10 each side 

  • Bent over DB row (palms up): 10 reps 


Tricep dips : 3 sets of 30 seconds