our secret weapon for alleviating period cramps

now don’t be alarmed by the name—this isn’t your normal molasses that you put in your gingerbread cookies, no no no, this is specifically unsulphured blackstrap molasses. blackstrap molasses is a dark, viscous syrup that is obtained during the sugar refining process. it is made from the third boiling of sugar cane juice and is known for its robust flavor and high mineral content. so why do we take it when we’re facing the dreaded period cramps? well, here are some potential benefits of blackstrap molasses and why people may use it for period cramps:

  1. nutritional content: blackstrap molasses is rich in several essential minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. these minerals are important for overall health and play a role in various bodily functions, including muscle function and the regulation of menstrual cycles.

  2. iron supplementation: Iion deficiency is a common concern, particularly among menstruating individuals, and it can contribute to symptoms such as fatigue and weakness. some people use blackstrap molasses as a natural source of iron to help replenish their iron stores and address potential iron deficiency-related symptoms during menstruation.

  3. muscle relaxation: calcium and magnesium are minerals that are often associated with muscle relaxation. menstrual cramps occur due to the contraction of the uterus muscles. therefore, the theory behind using blackstrap molasses for period cramps is that the calcium and magnesium content may help relax the uterine muscles, potentially reducing cramping and pain.

  4. natural alternative: some individuals (hi, hello, that’s us!) prefer to explore natural remedies for managing their menstrual symptoms, including period cramps, before turning to OTC medication options. blackstrap molasses is considered a natural and unprocessed sweetener, which may be appealing to those seeking alternative approaches to conventional pain relief.

now, is this subjective, anecdotal evidence? absolutely. please remember, this is my personal experience and not scientific-backed data. we respect the science world but also believe it's important to note that while there are potential benefits associated with blackstrap molasses, scientific research specifically focused on its effects on menstrual cramps is limited. the evidence supporting its use for this purpose is largely anecdotal, based on personal experiences rather than rigorous scientific studies.

everyone’s cycle is different, and this may or may not have as big of an impact for you as it had for me. but it’s a low cost, low risk, potentially high reward holistic health tip that could help alleviate some of your discomfort during your period, so why not give it a try?

and again, if you are having persistent issues with your cycle, we truly recommend working with your healthcare provider.