MOVE — Feel Through the Discomfort — At Home Workout

move·ment /ˈmo͞ovmənt/ noun

1. an act of changing physical location or position

2. a change or development.

in order to grow, we must move.

feeling overwhelmed?

move feeling anxious?

move feeling high energy?

move feeling sad?

move feeling all the feelings?

move now here’s the insider scoop.

move, but listen to your body.

if a long hard workout sounds exhausting and your body just isn’t feeling it then do something else. go for a walk. stretch, try a new online yoga class >>> do a less intense workout that is ok too!! remember working out is putting your body in a chosen state of stress. so if pushing your limits isn’t in the cards right now that’s okay. listen & move to what your body feels. let your energy and emotions MOVE thru you.

stay movin’ lionesses

MoveGilly SmithComment