20min Total Body Workout

20min Total Body Workout

6 Rounds :: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off

RDLs :: EmPack or Dumbbells

Front or Back Squat* :: EmPack or Dumbbells

Standing Oblique Crunch :: EmPack or Dumbbell**

Overhead Press :: EmPack or Dumbbells

For this workout you’ll need to grab your FR EmPack or a set of dumbbells. This workout will be done as a TABATA—this means you’ll do :45 seconds of work, followed by :15 seconds of rest. You will do this for 6 rounds, which will be 20 minutes.

*If you’re using dumbbells, you’ll want to do front squat, but, if you’re FR EmPack, you can do a front or back squat—whatever you prefer!

**For the standing oblique crunches, you will do your right side for odd rounds (1, 3, and 5) and your left side for even rounds (2, 4, and 6).