Lioness Booty Band Workout // 15 minutes

15 Minute EMOM — Every Minute On the Minute

1 : 15 Right / 15 Left Leg Raises

2 : 30 Bicycle Crunches Left/Right = 1

3 : 10 Right / 10 Left Rainbow Kicks

Use Large Lioness Blue Band

You will have one minute to complete the movements, the remaining time is rest. Remember these are for QUALITY reps. Slow & controlled.

Leg Raises :: Lay on your forearm, keep your toe flexed forward, keep your glutes turned on. (squeeze your booty!) Complete 15 raises on the right and flip over and do 15 n the left.

Bicycle Crunches : Lay on your back, and actively drive your feet in a bicycle motion. Drive your heels out, creating tension on the band. Bring your left elbow to right knee, and right elbow to left knee. Keep your shoulders off the ground. Left/Right equals one rep.

Rainbow Kicks : Starting in table top position, make sure your shoulders are square underneath your hands, as well as your hips under your knees. Lock down your left glute and then kick your right leg back as far right as possible, extending it as far left as possible. Keep your toe flexed down and drive your heel out. Complete 10 on the right and then 10 on the left.

15 Minute // Every Minute On The Minute

One : 15 Right / Left Leg Raises

Two : 30 Bicycle Crunches Left/Right = 1 Rep

Three : 10 Right / Left Rainbow Kicks

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