

hydration—an essential part of our everyday lives—but what does it all do for us? what keeps us hydrated? why is it so important?

You’ve probably heard at some point in your life that you need 6-8 8oz glasses of water a day, right? That’s a great general goal but everyone’s daily water goal is going to be different. For example, I live in a place where I’m constantly sweating from the humidity and need to drink extra water in my day to stay hydrated. It’s different for everyone, but one of the best things you can do for yourself is get in-tune with your body and understand your body’s needs.

Now, that’s not to say that water is the only drink that will keep us hydrated during the day. Various other drinks such as fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, and milk/mylk can help you stay hydrated throughout the day as well. Even caffeinated drinks (coffee + tea) can contribute to your daily water intake. Be mindful with caffeine; avoid ingesting too much by trying to keep your caffeine intake under 400mg. Although soda can add to your daily hydration, I recommend avoiding soda altogether because it can add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Let me put it this way… we use Coca-Cola to clean the rust off our barbells. True story. Imagine what that does to your insides and your teeth! One can of soda can have 50-72g of sugar. 1 gram = one sugar packet, would you open 60 sugar packets and dump them in your water to make it taste better, I sure hope not!

If you’re looking for that carbonation fix, try switching to sparkling water—they’ve got so many flavors out there now you’re bound to find one you’re obsessed with. My personal favorites are Spindrift’s Cucumber or Strawberry flavors. So so refreshing!

Another point to consider is if you plan to workout at higher levels than normal for over an hour. If this is the case, sports drinks can be beneficial. Sports drinks contain carbohydrates and electrolytes that can increase your energy. You’ve probably heard of electrolytes a million times but maybe you’re not quite certain why they’re so important. Well, electrolytes are electrically charged minerals and compounds that help your body do much of its everyday tasks, such as regulating nerve and muscle function, hydrating the body, balancing blood acidity and pressure, and helping rebuild damaged tissue. However, be cautious of the label and check the serving size because some sports drink can be high in added sugars and sodium and, often times, there can be more than one serving in a bottle. With that being said, water is still very beneficial in replenishing your body and you should drink it before, during, and after your workout.

One of the best things you can do is invest in a reusable water bottle if you haven’t already. You probably already have one that you got for free from some event, but if the look of the water bottle will help you remember to bring it with you wherever you go, invest in a new one that fits your look. When you like the way it looks and want to bring with you, that’ll help stay hydrated in itself; it’s a win-win. Honestly, at this point, I view my water bottles as an accessory. We love a good Corkcicle, Hydroflask, or Yeti to keep our beverages cold and spice up any look.

Have a tough time drinking water even when you’ve got a cute reusable bottle drink it out of? Try squeezing a little lemon into it to give it a little more flavor.

Not sure how to tell if you’re hydrated or not? Here are a few signs of dehydration:

  • Dry mouth

  • Sleepiness or fatigue

  • Headache

  • Extreme thirst

  • Little or no urine

  • Urine is darker than usual

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

It’s important to note that water makes up more than half of our body weight. We lose water every day when we do simple daily activities like go to the bathroom, sweat, and even when we breathe. We lose water even faster when the weather is really hot, when we’re physically active, or if we have a fever. Again, do your best to stay in tune with your body to recognize what it needs when it needs it!

Have more questions about staying hydrated/dehydration? Reach out to me at info@femmeroyale.com !