full body workout with weights!

Alright, lioness! Here’s another burner for ya!


Hip openers

  • Open the gate

  • Close the gate

Bear crawl

Spider walk/crawl

Good mornings (hinge at the hips!)

Superset (medium weight : 8-20lb suggested)

3 sets of 8 each side : renegade rows

3 sets of 10 seated Arnold press

3 sets of 10 skull crushers

  • you can do 1 db in each hand or hold one db between both hands


3 sets of 10 db or barbell RDL (medium–heavy)

  • hinge at the hips! this is why we warmed up with good mornings!

3 sets of seated military press (same dumbbells from the first superset)

  • when you’re seated, this takes away the ability you have to add momentum when you’re standing

3 sets of 10 each side dead bug

  • we’re targeting those deep abs here!


3 sets of DB pull throughs

  • 20 sec rest between each round