full body workout with weights !

we’re working on our whooooole body today! this may look like a lot of rounds, but the movements aren’t too time consuming. with that being said—don’t rush through the work. take your time and put in the work!


toy soldiers

walking lunges

bootstrap stretches

good mornings

3-4 rounds : upper body pull

12 reps/side : single arm lateral raise

12 total alternating “L” raises

12 reps/side : db plank pull-through

12 jack knives

45 sec rest

3-4 rounds : lower body pull

12 Romanian DL

12 reps/side : SL Romanian DL

3 rounds : upper body pull

12 hammer curls

12 zottman curls

12 neutral grip db rows

3 rounds : full body

12 underhand row

12 reps/side : alternating plank leg lift

12 reps/side : mountain climbers (S-L-O-W pace)

cool down + stretch !