full-body EmPack workout

the warm-up

2 sets of 30 seconds each

  • jumping jacks

  • toy soldiers

  • arm circles (forward & back)

  • leg swings

  • high knees

  • butt kicks

the work

3 sets of 12 reps each

  • EmPack front squats

    • how to: hold the EmPack by its handles and rack it over your shoulders. drop down to a squat with a 3-second descent and explode back up, ensuring your knees don't go past your toes on the descent.

  • EmPack shoulder press

    • how to: stand with the EmPack on your shoulders or hold it with both hands at shoulder height. press it overhead, fully extending your arms.

  • EmPack bent over rows

    • how to: bend forward at the hips with a slight bend in your knees. hold the EmPack with both hands and pull it towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

  • EmPack deadlifts

    • how to: place the EmPack in front of you on the ground. stand with your feet hip-width apart, grab the EmPack by the handles, keeping it close to your body, and keep your back straight while driving through your heels to lift the weight by extending your hips and knees. lower the weight back down by pushing your hips back and bending your knees, maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement.

the cool down

  • standing forward fold

  • side stretch

  • child's pose

  • deep breathing

    • we love to end our movements with some deep breaths! ending our workouts with deep breathing is important to us because it helps to lower our heart rate, relax our muscles, and promote recovery by enhancing oxygen flow and reducing stress. and! connect us back to our body.

feel free to adjust the weight in the EmPack and the number of reps based on your fitness level.

enjoy your workout, lioness!